Anthropology 455: An Introduction to Science and Technology Studies

  • Mondays 2-5pm
  • Spring 2003
  • Sewall Hall 207A
    • Instructors:

      Hannah Landecker
      Sewall Hall 578
      Office Hours:

    • Christopher Kelty
      Sewall Hall 580
      Office Hours:

  • Introduction

    This class is an introduction to the field of "Science and Technology Studies." The premise of this field is that science and technology are an integral part of contemporary societies - just as culture, politics and economics are built in to contemporary science. Science, technology and society may therefore be analyzed together, using methods and theories of the social sciences and humanities. Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of this interdisciplinary field by reading research and theoretical works drawn from anthropology, history, sociology and philosophy; some of the major innovations in the field will be studied in depth. The class will simultaneously analyze examples and problems that illustrate how to apply these works to the contemporary world. Examples will span a wide range of disciplines from computer science to biomedicine, but no prior scientific knowledge or technical expertise is assumed. The goal is for students to become skilled at analyzing science and technology from a social and cultural standpoint, and to cross some of the assumed and traditional boundaries between scientists, humanists and social scientists.

    Open to advanced undergraduates and graduate students.

  • Requisites

    Students are required to attend all classes, complete all reading assignments, and participate in discussion. Each student will be responsible for presenting on some portion of the readings. A research paper will also be required.

the elusive fact

The elusive, scientific fact.

Christopher Kelty
Last modified: Sun Jan 12 12:47:19 CST 2003